Consumers risk attitudes for contaminating foods at self-service restaurants
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food contamination
food security
food hygiene

How to Cite

Medeiros LB, Pereira LC, Saccol AL de F. Consumers risk attitudes for contaminating foods at self-service restaurants. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];71(4):737-40. Available from:


Some consumer behaviors, which are beyond of the processor control, e.g., at self-services, should be regarded to ensure the food safety. This study aimed at assessing the consumers’ attitudes which might lead to food contamination during self-servicing. This study evaluated thirteen risk attitudes which might cause contamination during the food distribution and self-serving procedure in a restaurant located in the city of Santa Maria (RS) during five days in September of 2011. The analyses were performed in every five individuals groups at the restaurant during the rush hour (from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM), resulting in 657 observations. According to these analyses, the mostly common risk attitude (51%) of consumers was talking over the preparations while they were choosing and taking the exposed foods. In 46% of the cases, the consumers used the cutleries disposed for a food in another one which was already served onto the own plate. Therefore, high is the chance of the contamination risk caused by the own consumers at self-service restaurants.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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