Characterization of milk powder, whey powder and its blends by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
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Marques FM, Sá JFO de, Santos MC dos, Martins MF, Furtado MAM. Characterization of milk powder, whey powder and its blends by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];70(4):473-9. Available from:


According to the Brazilian legislation the sterile pasteurized milk and the milk powder should not contain cheese whey solids. Although several methods have been studied and proposed for detecting this adulteration, it has been hard to be controlled by the competent authorities. This study characterized the milk powder by using a modified electrophoresis technique for determining the adulteration of milk powder samples containing different concentrations of whey (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%), and by analyzing the protein profiles. Modifications in the SDS-PAGE technique procedures were done on the prepared gel preservation, the time between preparation and application, the electrophoretic source current and voltage and on the gel developing and drying time, which produced an satisfactory effect on the final results. The adapted technique showed to be efficient for characterizing the milk powder and whey powder samples separately. Addition of whey was identified, but the correlation between the adulteration level and the added amount of whey could not be determined. The adapted SDS-PAGE technique showed a suitable performance for assessing the milk protein powder, whey powder and its blended products characteristics.
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