Assessing the retinol concentration in supplemented UHT milk and the compliance with the information on the product label
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cow's milk
vitamin A

How to Cite

Lima MSR, Lira LQ de, Dimenstein R. Assessing the retinol concentration in supplemented UHT milk and the compliance with the information on the product label. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];70(4):484-8. Available from:


The consumption of UHT (ultra-high temperature) bovine milk supplemented with essential nutrients is
a practice to reduce the inadequate nutriments intake by population. Vitamin A is one of these nutrients,
whose deficiency is a major reason in causing health problem in the world. The aim of this study was
to verify the compliance of the retinol concentration specified on the label of supplemented UHT milk
package with the amount detected in the product. Three brands of UHT milk marketed in Natal/RN
were analyzed. The retinol concentration was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC). One brand of supplemented milk (B) contained the vitamin A concentration in compliance
with that stated on the label. The brands A and C showed the label information inconsistent with the
retinol contents found in the products. The milk A showed a higher average about 61% more vitamin and
the milk C about 30% lower than those quantities informed on the label. A special concern on the milk
enrichment should be taken to ensure the reliable nutritional information stated on the labels, and to
avoid an insufficient vitamin A intake or even a probable toxicity due to excessive nutrient consumption.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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