The use of formaldehyde and ethanol as fixative agents in the liquidbased cytology technique for performing cervical cytology exams (Pap test)
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pap test
liquid-based cytology
cervical cytology

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Machado JP, Nascimento AJ, Leonart MSS. The use of formaldehyde and ethanol as fixative agents in the liquidbased cytology technique for performing cervical cytology exams (Pap test). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];67(2):148-55. Available from:


The liquid-based cytology technique has been considered an important alternative for achieving the sensitivity of cervix-vaginal cytology exams. This study aimed to assess the variations in the liquid-based cytology technique. A total of 150 cervical samples were collected in duplicate from patients attended at the Clinic of the Hospital Acadêmico do Oeste do Paraná and Health Units of the Municipal District of Cascavel-PR, after the written informed consent form had been signed by them. The 100 collected samples were fixed and preserved in liquid media containing 95% ethanol and 50 samples in 1% formaldehyde in phosphate buffer pH 7.4. The samples were centrifuged at 289 x g and circular smears of the sediment were prepared on microscope slides, which were fixed in 95% ethanol followed by Papanicolaou staining, and mounted in Entellan®. The liquid-based cytology technique showed satisfactory cellularity, adequacy in morphometry and in cells morphology identification. Satisfactory sensitivity and specificity for detecting microrganisms and cellular alterations were also observed. Owing to the fixation and preservation properties of ethanol and formaldehyde, the present study points up that both preparations might be used as alternative fixative agents in liquid-based cytology technique, although further studies for method improvements have to be done.
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