Diflubenzuron has been a pesticide that can be used in cattle breeding as insect growth regulator, and the horn fly has been an insect that can be controlled by the use of this compound. Diflubenzuron has usually been orally administered to cows, and it has been effective against Diptera larvae growing in manure. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of diflubenzuron in milk samples collected from six Girolanda dairy cows treated with a commercial brand of diflubenzuron powder. The pesticide residues determination included the compound extraction with ethyl acetate, fat removal with hexane, and chromatography analysis by HPLC with UV detection (254nm). Diflubenzuron was not detected (<0.01 mg/kg) in any of the six analysed samples. These data indicate that the use of this compound, in adequate doses for achieving a proper insecticide effect, may result in milk considered safe regarding to the presence of diflubenzuron residues.References
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