Rapid techniques for microbiological analysis of foods show advantages when compared with the conventional methods, as the former are easy-to-performer and no time-consuming assays in getting the results. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the rapid techniques Petrifilm® EC and Compact dry® EC and CF with the standard method for counting the coliform group in bovine raw minced meat samples. The performances of rapid tests were compared for quantifying Escherichia coli at 35°C and 45°C. Simple regression analysis of data showed a strong correlation between Petrifilm® and Compact dry® for determining the number of coliforms, as well as for quantifying E. coli. However, when the results of E. coli counting at 35ºC and 45°C by means of the same technique were compared, the correlation factors were lower. This analysis suggests that rapid techniques are suitable to be employed as alternative techniques for microorganisms counting in raw minced meat.References
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