Quality of water used in schools supported by National Programme for School Food Provision (NPSFP) in Salvador-BA
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drinking water
water quality
school feeding
food hygiene

How to Cite

Cardoso R de CV, Almeida RC de C, Guimarães AG, Góes J Ângelo W, Silva SA, Santana AAC, Huttner LB, Vidal Jr. PO, Figueiredo KVNA. Quality of water used in schools supported by National Programme for School Food Provision (NPSFP) in Salvador-BA. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2007 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];66(3):287-91. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32808


The water constitutes one of the foremost resources for life sustain, however diseases associated with its contamination have been one of the major threats to human health. This study aimed to assess the quality of drinking water in use in schools supported by NPSFP, in Salvador-BA. A cross-sectional study was performed in a stratified sample from 83 schools, being 49 municipal and 34 state schools, from whence the water samples used in the canteens were collected and analyzed for total and fecal coliforms detection. In addition, information about the water origin and the water care were investigated. Although all schools were supplied by local drinking water distribution system, 32% and 22% of the samples collected from municipal and state schools, respectively, presented no conformity with the effective legislation – in all schools, no conformity condition reached 41%. Regarding to reservoir, in 21% no suitable coating was observed, and 51% had no periodical hygiene procedures; only 17% of the schools showed potable water registers. The results point up the contamination risks from the used drinking water, and point out fragilities on the NPSFP implementation scope, which suggest the necessity of a highest control, facing children vulnerability who are assisted by this Programme.
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