Retinol concentrations in natural yogurt on sale in supermarkets located in Natal, RN
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Ribeiro JKG, Soares FB, Bezerra DS, Dimenstein R. Retinol concentrations in natural yogurt on sale in supermarkets located in Natal, RN. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2007 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];66(2):120-4. Available from:


Yogurt is a product derived from the whole, skimmed, or standardized milk fermentation by the action of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. As a lactic product, yogurt is considered to be a good source of vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for many biological processes such as cellular differentiation, visual cicle, immune system integrity, and epithelial maintenance. The objective of the present study was to verify the retinol concentration in natural yogurt from different brands marketed in major supermarkets of Natal, RN. Four brands of natural whole yogurt were randomly selected, and retinol concentration was determined in these samples by means of High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The average values of retinol concentrations in A, B, C, and D natural yogurt samples were 47.6±5.9; 31.0± 3.3; 65.1 ±13.7, and 50.8 ±10.9ug/100g, respectively. Remarkable variations on retinol concentration values were found, and the range between the least and the major value was 110%. The yogurt samples from all analyzed brands presented retinol levels close to or above those concentrations found in whole milk, confirming that natural yogurt is a good nutritional source of vitamin A.
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