Fatty acids profile in muscle and skin of Balistes capriscus and Menticirrhus litoralis fished in southern region of Brazil
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Balistes capriscus
Menticirrhus littoralis
fatty acids

How to Cite

Bastos AL, Baish ALM, Clementin RM, Souza-Soares LA de, Badiale-Furlong E. Fatty acids profile in muscle and skin of Balistes capriscus and Menticirrhus litoralis fished in southern region of Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];65(2):94-9. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32879


The fatty acids profile was determined in skin and muscle from two species of marine fishes, Balistes capriscus e Menticirrhus littoralis, consumed by population in Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul State. These fishes were chosen due to the benefic effects of their skin, used as infused tea for asthma treatment. Fishes samples were collected in public market and fish industries located in Rio Grande city and the fish skin was separated from the muscle. The lipid fractions were extracted following Bligh and Dyer methodology, and then esterified, identified , and quantified by means of gas chromatography technique. The main fatty acids found in both muscle and skin portions of these fish species were dihomo linoleic acid (20:3n-6;DHA) and eicosapenthenoic acid (20:5n-3; EPA), being 21.3% and 39% in both portions of Balistes capriscus, and 12.8% and 24.2% in Menticirrhus littoralis. Poliunsatured fatty acid was equivalent to the quantity from 54,6% to 67.6% of the total lipids, except Menticirrhus littoralis skin, wherein the main fatty acids were monoinsatured. The ratio of EPA to DHA values were always higher than 2, in both muscle and skin portions of the studied fishes.
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