Monitoring the quality of water from groundwater located in the rural public schools of the Ibiúna municipality/SP: microbiological and physicochemical parameters, and factors for environmental risk
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risk factors
water quality indicators

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Soto FRM, Fonseca YSK, Risseto MR, Azevedo SS de, Arine M de LB, Ribas MA, Moura CRV, Marchette DS. Monitoring the quality of water from groundwater located in the rural public schools of the Ibiúna municipality/SP: microbiological and physicochemical parameters, and factors for environmental risk. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];65(2):106-11. Available from:


The aim of this study was to assess the quality of water from groundwater located in 50 public schools of the Ibiúna municipality, state of São Paulo, regarding to microbiological and physicochemical parameters. Secondly, the study aimed to investigate on risk factors for environmental contamination, and to propose the intervention measures. This study was carried out in three stages: assessment of risk factors, water microbiological and physicochemical analyses. High contamination with total coliforms at levels above 100 colony forming units(CFU) was revealed in 90% of water samples, and termotolerants in 82% of analyzed specimens (p< 0.001). Regarding to physicochemical parameters, alterations in the aspect, color, turbidity, and iron content were revealed in three, four, and one samples, respectively. Concerning the risk factors, the most representative were of groundwater safe-keeping, information about water quality, and your treatment (p< 0.001).
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