Citopatologia uterina em laboratório de saúde pública: impacto dos dados de 20 anos (1984-2003)


cervix cytology
Pap smear
age group

How to Cite

Yamamoto LSU, Saito S, Pereira SMM, Utagawa ML, Longatto-Filho A. Citopatologia uterina em laboratório de saúde pública: impacto dos dados de 20 anos (1984-2003). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];65(2):141-5. Available from:


The objective of this study was to identify the distribution of cytological diagnosis by means of Pap test on pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions from women at different age group in the period of 20 years. Retrospective survey of cytological cervicovaginal diagnoses was done to achieve this goal. Diagnoses results from 1,020,853 cytological samplings on Pap test, were studied according to age groups. In the period of 20 years from 1984 to 2003 the distribution of cervicovaginal cytological diagnoses according to age was analyzed four intervals of 5 year - (four quinquennia). Of analyzed cytological samples 27,314 (2.68%) were unsatisfactory, 980,985 (96.09%) were negative, and 12,554 (1.23%) resulted in squamous intraepithelial lesions and cancer. LSIL peak was observed within the four quinquennia and in the 20-24 age group, HSIL was most frequent in the 30-34 year age group, and SCC/ADENO Ca were present in women above 50 years old. In women of 15-19 years of age, a clear-increase in LSIL frequency was observed in four quinquennia, of 66 (9.19%) in the first quinquennium, 109 (9.83%) in the second, 441 (17.46%) in the third, and 467 (15.97%) in the last one. The outcome of the uterine cervix cancer prevention programs can be measured by the high frequency of LSIL type lesions in the past five years, and the data disclosed in the present study are in accordance with the data reported by the others from another continuous uterine cervix cancer prevention programs.


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