Tests of absorption of the heterophiles agglutinins found in Nicolas Favre lymphogranulomatosis
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Gomes L de S, Silva M de B e. Tests of absorption of the heterophiles agglutinins found in Nicolas Favre lymphogranulomatosis. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1943 Jan. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];3(1):25-31. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/33108


The authors recall an article published by them in which they reported the finding of heterofyl agglutinins in high title in the blood serum of patients with Nicolas-Favre lymphogranulomatosis, In the present work they tried to identify the type of those agglutinins by means of various antigens made out of guinea pig kidney, ox erythrocytes or the Frei antigen. The majority of the agglutinins of the 26 tested sera were more highly absorved by the guinea pig kidney, less so by the ox erythrocytes and least by the lymphogranulornatosis antigen. The authors say that the relatively small number of sera employed for the test did not allow sure and definite conclusions about the classification of the agglutinins met with but suggests that they might perhaps be related to the ones ordinarity found in various titles in normal human blood sera, i. e. those of the Forssmann type. Finally the authors believe that further study perhaps will clear up some of the peculiar and obscure aspect of agglutinins, such as the one just foccused in this interesting chapter of the immunology.

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Copyright (c) 1943 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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