The authors investigated salmonellae in the mesenteric lymph glands of a hundred apparently normal hogs slaughtered for market and obtained 15% of positive cases. The salmonellae isolated were classified, in accordance with the Kauffmann-White's scheme (Bergey, 1939), as S. schottmülleri, 4; S. derby, 3; S. cholerae suis, var. Kunzendorf, 2; S. newport,1; S. anatis, 5. The tetrathionate-brilliant green Kauffmann's medium is advantageous as a medium for enrichment of the salmonellae.
1. CALAZANS, S. C. e PESTANA, B. RANGEL - 1932 - Mem. Inst. Butantan, 7: 286.
2. KAUFFMANN, F. - 1935 - Zeit. f. lHyg. U. Inf., 117: 27.
3. LOWELL, R. - 1934 - Jour. Gom. Path. and Ther., 47: 107.
4. HORMAECHE, E. e SALSAMENDI, R. 1936 - Arch. Urug. Med. Cir. y Esp., 9: 665.
5. HORMAECHE, E. e SALSAMENDI, R. 1939 - Arch. Urug, Med, Cir. y Esp., 14: 665.
6. RUBIN, H. L., SCHERACO, M. e WEAVER, R. H. - 1942 - Am. Jour. Hyg., 36: 43.
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