Investigations on the microscopic examination of some food substances
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Menezes Junior J b F de. Investigations on the microscopic examination of some food substances. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1949 Jan. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];9(1-2):18-77. Available from:


With the present paper the author, considering that there does not exist, in the Portuguese language, a handbook on food microscopy, starts a series of publications in order to facilitate the study and identification of the most important foodstuffs for those who wish to dedicate themselves to this branch of bromatology. He tries, through drawings, to join in one microscopical field the histological elements which characterize each studied substance, and makes, with the necessary details, the description of their structure. The author points out some of the difficulties which arose in the microscopic identification of foodstoffs, and the way to overcome them, using special treatments such as washing of the material, discolouring, use of solvents, reagents and dyes, as well as the necessity of obtaining histological sections and employing a magnifying glass for the separation and collection of foreign substances. Reference is made to the similarity in the structure of the blocks of stony and starchy cells of the pear (Pyrus communis) and of the quince (Pyrus cydonia), of the cooked cells of the banana (Musa paradisiaca), and of the sweet potato (lpomoea batatas) and of the cells of the  tomato  (Solanum lycopersicum) and of the pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), giving the anatomic differential details which elucidate their identification. There is also made the description of the microscopical structure of 47 studied substances of the following groups: cereals, flour and starches, the most frequently used fruits in the preparation of canned, preserved and paste comfits, some spices and plants with stimulant properties used in the preparation of drinks
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