The authors present the results obtained by the intramuscular administration of 300,000 units of procaine penicillin G plus 100,000 units of potassic penicillin to 20 patients, distributed in two groups (I and II). In group I there were 8 healthy adults and in group II there were 12 patients in which the diagnosis of lobar pneumonia had been established. The average penicillin serum levels obtained (Fleming's method) were the following:
In group II, a single dose of 400,000 units of the preparation produced complete cure in every case except one: this patient was in a very bad condition on admission and died on the 5th day, in spite of receiving intensive additional antibiotic therapy. The penicillin serum levels obtained in this patient were strikingly high, throughout the first 36 hours. The significantly higher levels obtained m group II patients are emphasized.
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