Mycological flora of air and its significance and importance
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Almeida F, Brandão CH, Monteiro EL, Moura RA. Mycological flora of air and its significance and importance. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1951 Jan. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];11(1-2):5-12. Available from:


In this paper, the authors analyse some experiences made by foreign research workers about the presence of fungi in the air in different regions. They call attention to the importance of such a study, especially with reference to the finding of certain fungi which determine pulmonary mysocis. They also show the role which the fungi of the air play in allergic pulmonary manifestations as well as food contaminations. Some results which were obtained in certain verifications made in the city of São Paulo are related.
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1. ALMEIDA,F. e C. FAVA NETO - 1947 - Observações sôbre a flora micológica do ar na cidade de São Paulo. Fichário Médico-Terapêutico "Lobojarma" 9 (36) : 1-3.

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9. WOLF, F. A. e F. T WOLF - The Fungi. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1947; 2: 395-415.

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