Purified feed as a factor for the appearance of microsporia in cats
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Almeida F, Silva AC, Brandão CH, Monteiro EL, Moura RA. Purified feed as a factor for the appearance of microsporia in cats. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1951 Jan. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];11(1-2):103-6. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/33210


In continuation to the paper entitled "Saprofitismo do Microsporum canis" presented at the Fifth International Congress for Microbiology, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1940, there are made here new considerations about the probable causes of the appearance of tinea tonsurans and favus. The authors admit the possibility of the existence of the fungi responsible for these mycoses, in saprophitic condition, both in man and animal. They admit, as probable natural causes for the cure of these mycoses in puberty, not only the occurence of the sexual hormones, but also a fatty acid, the pelargonic acid, which is from 4 to 5 times more abundant in the hair of adults than in those of children and which appears with puberty. It is up to the research workers, who are studying this subject, to prove to which of these two agents there is to be attributed the cure of the mycological process and to demonstrate the relation which exists between them.
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Copyright (c) 1951 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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