Concerning on the similarity of patauá and olive oils – their differentiation
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Almeida MEW de. Concerning on the similarity of patauá and olive oils – their differentiation. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1953 Jan. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];13(1-2):57-66. Available from:


"Patauá" oil, extracted from the palm's fruit Oenocarpus bataua, Mart., is an excellent edible oil, with agreeable taste and odor, and a very good digestibility. This oil has a striking resemblance to olive oil, both in its organoleptic properties as in its characteristics and chemical composition. Until lately, there was no .possibility of establishing any difference between olive oil and "patauá" oil. Now, by the squalene determination, the distinction of these oils has become possible. Eight samples of "patauá" oil were analyzed (Table 2) and it was observed that their characteristic properties are similar to those of olive oil, except for the squalene content (Table 3). The squalene determination was performed on 60 samples of olive oil and the results (Table 5) show that the squalene content is very high (max. 635, min. 300 mg/100g) whereas in "patauá" oil almost no squalene could be found (max. 17, min. 6). Mixtures of both oils were prepared and analysed. The characteristic properties, exception for the squalene content, showed that such mixtures could be taken for pure olive oil (Table 4).
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