The microscopic structure of the coffee fruit
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Menezes Junior JBF de, Maniero J. The microscopic structure of the coffee fruit. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1953 Jan. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];13(1-2):99-112. Available from:


In the present paper the authors make a previous study of the different species and varieties of the coffee cultivated in the State of São Paulo, by using a new method of cross section. Based on their own observation about the histology of the pericarp, the authors noticed the non-existence of any connection between the structures studied and those described by the authors who were consulted. The authors emphasize the absence of a palisade layer of sclerenchyma on the endocarp in all the species and varieties studied by them (figs. 1, 2 and 3). On the other hand, they inform of the presence of a new nonsclerenchymatous palisade layer in some varieties whose function would consist in a reserve of water in ripe fruit. Besides, they verify the presence of hair on the epicarp of the congensis species (fig. 8), glandular cells in the mesocarp (fig, 7) and cavities with developed and non-developed seeds, in the congensis species and in the varieties nana, laurina and polysperma (fig. 9). The authors confirm their observations by presenting a series of microphotos and original drawings.
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