Microfluidoscopy is a general physical process which may be employed in the verification of limpidity and presence of strange particles in pharmaceutical preparations. It was used in the examination of ninety ophthalmic preparations in order to investigate the limpidity, quantity and quality of the particles found. In relation to the limpidity, microfluidoscopy showed that 26 collyria were turbid, while by routine examination, the turbidity was only verified in 6 of these products. With reference to the presence of microparticles in suspension, microfluidoscopy showed that all the examined collyria contained strange elements in suspension, while, by the usual methods of examination, 63 collyria were considered free of microparticles. Microfluidoscopy applied to the qualitative examination 01 the microparticles found showed that many collyria presented crystalline particles, which may produce damages in the corneous conjunctival epithelium.
1. VIEGAS, J. A. - Novo processo e aparelho - Microfluidoscópico - para a leitura da reação de Khan e para análises, exames ou leituras de floculações, aglutinações, partículas, turvações e opalescências em soros, reações, soluções, suspensões, emulsões, ou substâncias líquidas em geral- Revist.. Inst. Adolfo Lutz 12: 179-201. 1952.
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