With the Willis' method an epidemiological survey of intestinal parasites was made in São Paulo, in 55,764 children from various ages (7-14 years), A total of 70.44% of the examined school-boys harbored helminths and of these there were most frequently encountered: Trichocephalus trichiurus (42.83%); Ascaris lumbricoides (40.21%); and Ancylostomidae (21.54%).
1. FERREIRA, J. M. e CORRÊA, N. D. A. - 1953 - Arq, Fac. Higiene e Saúde Pública7 (2): 257-269.
2. PELLON, A. BARCA e I. TEIXEIRA - 1950 - Ministério da Educação e Saúde, Departamento Nacional de Saúde.
3. CORRÊ A, M O. A. e A. E. Taunay - 1943 - Rev. Insto Adolfo Lutz, 3 (2) : 247-260.
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