The method for, the control of the infusion of coffee by densimetry: is presented in order to contribute for, the elimination, of fraud that occurs in the commerce of coffee as beverage. Observations and studies made in powder coffee of several types and qualities are described. Numerous tests based on the food laws, which recommend to prepare coffee in the proportion of 1 kg of powder to 5 L of boiling water, were made. After having tried several areometers there was chosen the most indicative for the realization of the density test, which is the densimeter, the technique being the following: take 250 ml of the infusion, cool in flask of 500 ml in running water, pass the content to a glass cylinder of 14 cm height by 4 cm diameter; take the density and temperature of the liquid which must not exceed 25oC. Correct the data of density and temperature by using the table to 20oC. If density at 20oC is inferior to 1018, the infusion is not in accordance with the legal exigences. When the infusion is kept in sterilized and ground glass stoppered the sample will be perfect for more than 30 days at room temperature and much more if left in a refrigerator.
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