The authors treated 54 patients suffering from ascariasis with piperazine hydrate, The daily dose was 60 mgm, per kg. of body weight, Twenty two patients received the drug for five days, 28 other patients for seven days and the remaining four received two 7-day courses spaced by a 7- day interval. The percentage of cure for these three groups was 63.63%, 89.28% and 100%, respectively. The authors emphasize that the piperazine hidrate can be included among the most eficacious therapeutic agents for ascariasis, if it is not the best. They also emphasize some advantages of the drug as: (1) an almost complete lack of toxic or collateral manifestations; (2) no special precautions are needed in its administration; (3) may easily be administered to short-age children; and (4) cheapness.
1. AMATO NETO, V.e CORRÊA, M. O. A. - 1954 - Tratamento da enterobíase pelo hídrato de piperazina, - Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 14: 39-44.
2. ÉROWN, H. W. e STERMAN, M. M. - 1954 - 'I'reatment of Ascuris lumbricoides infections with piperazine citrate. - Am. Journ. Trop. Med. Hyg., 3: 750-754.
3. FAYARD, C. - 1949 - Ascaridiose et piperazine. - Tese para doutoramento em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina de Paris, 66 pgs.
4. MOURIQUAND, G., ROMAN, E. e COiSNARD, J. - 1951 - Essai de traitement de l'oxyurose par Ia pipêrazine. -J. Méd. Lyon, 32: 189-195.
5. TURPIN, R., CAVIER, R. e SAVATON-PILLET, -1952 - Traitement de I'oxyurose par le di (phénylacétate) de pipérazine (D. P. P.). - 'I'hêrapie, 7: 108-113.
6. WHITE, R. H. R. - 1954 - Ascariasis treatedwith piperazine hydrate. - Lancet, 7: 315-316.
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