The authors present their observations on the possible role of cockroaches in the transmission of agents pathogenic to man. A review of the pertinent literature is included. From the nursery of the "Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo", 23 cockroaches were examined. 91 specimens were captured in the Pediatric Clinic of the "Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo". The material was divided into 20 lots. Escheriehia coli was found in 12 of the lots examined. E. coli O 111 was identified in one blatid from the "Santa Casa de Misericórdia". Non pathogenic micrococci (coagulase-negative) were isolated in all of the lots; in no instance coagulase-positive Micrococcus pyogenes was found. Parasitologic examinations revealed only protozoa and helminths proper of the cockroach.
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11. OLSON, T. A. e M. E. RUEGER - 1950 - Experimental transrníssíon of Salmonella oranienburç through eockroaches. Publ. Hlth. Rep. 65: 531-540.
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16. YOUNG, M. D. - 1937 - Cockroaches as carr iers of Giartiia cysts. J. Parasito 23: 102~103.
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