Study on the usefulness of the Rugai, Mattos and Brisola methodology for investigating the nematode larvae in feces
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Amato Neto V, Corrêa MOA, Fleury GC. Study on the usefulness of the Rugai, Mattos and Brisola methodology for investigating the nematode larvae in feces. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1957 Feb. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];17(1-2):33-8. Available from:


One hundred and seventy feces specimens from patients under controlled treatment for strongyloidosis were tested by Baermann's method as modified by COUTINHO, CAMPOS and AMATO NETO (1951) as well as by the method of RUGAI, MATTOS and BRISOLA (1954). One hundred and twelve specimens were positive for larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis by both methods; 47 specimens were negative by both methods; 8 were positive only by the modified Baermann's method and 3 were positive only by Rugai et al's method. The latter method was simpler and more economic and hygienic. The difference between the results of both methods is not statistically significant, When specimens were positive only by one method, the number of larva e was very small.
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1. COUTINHO,J. O., R. CAMPOSe V. AMATONETO - 1951 - Notas sôbre diagnóstico e prevalência da estrongiloidose em São Paulo. Rev. Clín. S. Paulo 27: 1-10.

2. COUTINHO,J. O., R. CAMPOSe V. AMATONETO - 1952 - Contribuição para o estudo do diagnóstico de laboratório da estrongiloidose (Strongyloides stercoralis), O Hospital 41: 11-20.

3. LUMBRERAS,H. e M. GRANADOS- 1955 - La técnica de Rugai, Mattos e Brisola en eI diagnóstico y controI terapéutico de Ia Strongyloidosis. Rev. Med. Peruana 25: 431-436.

4. RUGAI,E., T. MATTOSe A. P. BRISOLA- 1954 - Nova técnica para isolar larvas de nematóides das fezes - modificação do método de Baermann. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz 14: 5-8.

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