The authors performed the intradermal test for cutaneous leishmaniasis in 18 cases with parasitologic or histopathologic diagnosis, The antigen employed was obtained by ultrasonic disintegration of Leishmania braziliensis cultures. Suspensions containing two millions leptomonas per ml were subjected to a frequency of 800 kilocycles for 20 minutes with an energy consumption of 30 watts. The intradermal test was positive in all 18 cases. In four, the test result was 4+, 3+ in 4 others, 2+ in 3 cases and 1+ in the remaining case. In 11 out of 12 subjects with other diseases or just normal, the test was negative. In one normal individual, the test result was 1+. The antigen preparation technic reported here is simple, rapid and yields a homogeneous preparation. Antigen preparations are still active after two years.
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2. PESSÔA,S. B. eM. P. BARRETTO- Leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Ministério da Educação e Saúde, Imprensa Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 1948. 527 pp,
3. ROTBERG,A. - 1952 - Contribuição para o estudo da alergia na leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Rev. Rasp. N. S. Aparecida 5: 3-88.
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