Schistosomiasis in the Paraíba Valley
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Piza J de T, Ramos A da S, Brandão CSH, Figueiredo CG. Schistosomiasis in the Paraíba Valley. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1959 Jan. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];19(1-2):97-144. Available from:


The Paraíba Valley, in the basin of Paraíba River, is the rich region located between the Serra do Mar and the Mantiqueira, In the great part of the region situated in the State of São Paulo, a survey had been made and studies carried out about schistosomiasis and its epidemiological situation, Geophysical characteristics are described, and historical data of the disease and its appearance in the country are presented as well the first steps taken to control and to combat the disease. Searches of the intermediate host snail were warily made in 20 districts. The species found were; Taphius sp., T. nigricans, T. janeirensis, Drepanotrema melleum, D. cimex. Since April 1958 to July 1959, 282 samples had been collected. From 47,599 specimens obtained, 99% were T. nigricans. Among 33,784 specimens, 112 were naturally infected by S. mansoni. A description of each focus is reported, as well the number of patients registered, dispensatory procedures adopted and actual epidemiological conditions. Autochthonous cases, in the number of 401, were found in the following cities: São José dos Campos, Caçapava, Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba, Roseira and Aparecida. Biological control of fishes, molluscs and algae, and some prophylactic experiments by the employ of chemical agents to destroy the snails are described. Sanitary measures are suggested, estimating the valuable colaboration of the Sanitary Educational Service. In "Final considerations" the details of the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in that region of the State are discussed.
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1. BATISTA, C. D. - 1941 - Aspectos do Vale do Paraiba e do seu reerguimento. Inst. Agron. Est. S. Paulo, Campinas.

2. CORRÊA,R R, D. CODA & U. A. OLIVEIRA - 1955 - Um foco autóctone de esquistossomose no Vale do Paraíba. Folia Clínica et Bioloqica, São Paulo, 26: 85-90.

3. COUTINHO, J. O. - 1950-1951 - índices de inf'estação natural dos planorbídeos pelas cercárias do Seh.isiosoma mansoni, na cidade de Salvador Bahia. An. Fac. Med. S. Paulo, 25: 29-53.

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NOTA - A determinação das espécies referidas na presente publicação foi baseada nos trabalhos seguintes:

1. PARAENSE,W. L. & N. DESLANDES- 1955 - Observatíons on the morphology of Australorbis niqricans. Mem, InsLOswaldo Cruz, 53: 121-134.

2. PARAENSE,W. L. & N, DESLANDES- 1956 - Observatíons on Australorbis [aneirensis (Clessín, 1884). Rev. Bras. etoi; 16: 81-102,

3. PARAENSE,Vi. L, & N. DESLANDES- 1956 - The Brazilian species of Drepanotrema. rr. D, melleurn. (Lutz, 1918). Rev. Bras. tuot., 16: 527-534.

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5. PARAENSE,W. L. & N. DESL,NDES - 1958 - The Brazilian specíes of Drepanotrema. IV. D, cimex (Moricand, 1837). Rev. Bras, Biol., 18: 187-192.

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