Soybeans: origin, chemical composition, nutritional value and various applications
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Menezes Júnior JBF. Soybeans: origin, chemical composition, nutritional value and various applications. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1961 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];21(1-2):33-56. Available from:


The author studies the origin and tillage of soybean, through the ages, chiefly at the present time, in which the production is increasing rapidly. The author considers the introduction of soybean in Brazil as well as its adaptation to the soils of the State of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, He refers to some varieties cultivated in various regions of the world as well as others cultivated among us, used not only as food for men and animals, but also as fertilizers. The morphology, the microscopical structure of the seed, the presence of starch in some varieties, were thoroughly studied as well as the chemical composition of different varieties cultivated in São Paulo, Minas and Paraná.
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