Coffee oil. Spectrototometric determination of unsaturated fatty acids.
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de Almeida MEW, Amato C. Coffee oil. Spectrototometric determination of unsaturated fatty acids. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1962 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];22:77-80. Available from:


Spectrophotometric determination of unsaturated fatty acids of coffee oil was carried out according to the American Oil Chemists' Society method. The average results obtained from two samples were: linoleic acid, 39.86-39.38%; linolenic acid, 0.84-1.41 %; conjugated diene, 1.08-1.01 %; conjugated triene, 0.06-0.08%; oleic acid, 17.03-12.20%; saturated acids, 33.83-34.25%. The presence of linolenic acid among the fatty acids of coffee oil was evidenced. The following chemical and physical characteristics were also determined: refractive index at 40oC, saponification value, iodine value, modified Bellier value, M. P. of fatty acids, S. P. of fatty acids (Titer), unsaponifiable matter and squalene.
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