The Maximow's stain for Negri bodies. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz.
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Manginelli Massignani A, Franzosi M, Baptista N. The Maximow’s stain for Negri bodies. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1962 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];22:87-90. Available from:


Paraffin-embedded sections of Ammon's horn from the brain of men and animals infected with rabies virus or from inoculated animals were stained by Maximow's procedure for bone marrow, slightly modified. Fixation was made either by Carnoy method or with sublimate-alcohol. Slides were stained either by Harr is or Erlich hematoxylin (the latter with better results), and then with Maximow' stain. The use of CO2-free solution prevents precipitation, permitting differentiation in 95% alcohol. Negri bodies, even the smaller ones, appeared neatly stained and with sharply defined structure.
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