Dye-test and indirect antiglobulin fluorescent test for toxoplasma antibodies were compared in 1,000 human sera. Both techniques were described in detail, with special emphasis on preparation of antigens and conjugates for the fluorescent test. The tests were studied as to reproductibility of results, and a close agreement was found for sucessive titrations of same sera. Dye-test and fluorescent test compared well, with an almost total coincidence of results as to reactivity of sera. Titers were the same or differed by only one dilution in 97.7% of reactive sera and by only two dilutions in the remaining 2,3%. A small number of cases was seen with unexpected temporary divergences, as they reacted only in the dye-test when first examined. However, when tested again after being frozen for a few hours or days, they furnished entirely negative results. A cytoplasm-modifying factor different from that responsible for immune-reactions was suggested to occur in such sera.
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