Notes on the use of barium carbonate as a planorbicid
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dos Santos L. Notes on the use of barium carbonate as a planorbicid. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1964 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];24(1-2):33-8. Available from:


It was studied the planorbicidal effect of barium carbonate upon snails (Biamphalaria tenagophilus) subjected to different times of exposure to the drug and its residual effect on the algae, fishes, mice and guinea-pigs. After being exposed to the drug for 24 hours, 268 out of 500 snails (53,6%) were dead; the death rate increased progressively to 70,4%, 85,4% and 87% and within 48 hours all the planorbids were dead. The residual effect of the drug was evidenced by the death of 100 planorbids, after 72 hours, left in contact with the residual barium carbonate left in the aquarium. Mice and guinea-pigs which were given oral1y only e solution of barium carbonate, and some fishes, protozoa, algae and plants tested, were not affected by it. It is suggested barium carbonate as a molluscicid, in the dos age of 150 p.p.m, with 48 hours of direct contact.
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