It was described a technique for fixation on Whatman n.o 3MM filter paper of the pink colour compound formed by treating urine of pregnant women with iodine for the Schlör reaction. It was shown that the Whatman paper strongly fixes the compound thus increasing the sensibility of the reaction but the specificity decreases. Since the sensibility was increased through its fixation on paper it was possible to show that the substance responsible for the reaction is present not only in the urine of pregnant women but also in urines of non pregnant women, men and children of both sexes. By carring out the regular Schlör reaction and the technique here presented on 104 urine samples of women suspected of being pregnant and comparing the results of both with the Galli-Mainini's test it was found no agreement between them and false positives with both regular Schlör reaction and the technique above described. It was shown as well that the substance responsible for it is increased during pregnancy, although sometimes even in its absence.
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