Chronic ulcerative colitis due to Strongyloide stercoralis
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How to Cite

Pimenta de Campos E. Chronic ulcerative colitis due to Strongyloide stercoralis. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1964 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];24(1-2):51-6. Available from:


A fatal case of chronic ulcerative colitis seemingly due to Strongyloides stercoralis is described. The clinical and histologic pictures were very similar to amebic dysentery. Abundant larvae of S. stercoralis were found in the feces. In sections of the ascending colon foreign body like granulomas were observed and larva e were found in the submucosa.
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Copyright (c) 1964 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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