Beans and pulp of the cocoa fruit were submitted to laboratory fermentation reproducing farm processing conditions. Comparing the extracts of fermented, partially fermented and fully fermented beans, it was observed a parallelism between the gradual decrease of the glycides content and the progressive decrease of the immunological activity. Glycide nature of the antigen was demonstrated by staining with Schiff reagent of the material submitted to gel-electrophoresis, chromatography and acid hydrolysis. One of the antigens, "Fraction A" present in extracts of unfermented beans shows a 1-4 linkage while the other, "Fraction B" linkages are in position 1-6. By dialysis it was shown that only antigen ("Fraction B") present in extracts of incompletely fermented beans is constitued by molecules smaller than "Fraction B" found in extracts of fermented beans. Adequate beans for the chocolate industry do not show immunological components, A rapid and simple ring test is proposed for determining the degree of fermentation (quality of the farm product) of the cocoa beans.
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