Bacterial inhibitors present in milk of S. Paulo, Brazil
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Mello Filho A, Albano Sandoval L, dos Reis Rodrigues N, Ximenes J. Bacterial inhibitors present in milk of S. Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1965 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];25:69-94. Available from:


For the last twenty years the literature dealing with the presence of bacterial inhibitors in milk and its derivatives has been increasing steadily. Bacterial inhibitors in milk may be originated either from antibiotics given to the cows or from chemical treatment of the pipeline. In 1959, Food & Drug Administration, U. S. A., declared undesirable the presence of penicillin in milk dairy products since it may cause chronic or recurrent dermatosis. Nation wide research programs demonstrated different levels of antibiotic in milk and derivatives. The presence of bacterial inhibitors may, further, lead to errors in standard tests carried out in milk such as reductase test, bacterial counts, acidity test, etc. Milk containing inhibitors may respond satisfactorily to routine tests, in spite of being highly infected in its source. On the other hand, milk produced under hygienic conditions may yield less satisfactory results in such tests. The inhibitors may influence the normal flora metabolic capacity decreasing acid production and therefore affecting adversely the industrialization of milk. In Brazil there has been practically no research programs carried out with the purpose to detect the presence of such inhibitors, mainly penicillin, in milk and dairy products. One thousand samples of milk (type C) from São Paulo have been tested by means of tests that can be read after 2h30m to 3h30m. In 9% of the samples, inhibitors were found and penicillin levels between 0.05 to 0.5 U. I./ml were found in 1,9% of the samples.
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