An investigation on the occurring of leptospirosis among workers of several occupations in the municipal district of Sorocaba
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How to Cite

Candido Gomes M, Hyakutake S, Oswaldo Álvares Corrêa M. An investigation on the occurring of leptospirosis among workers of several occupations in the municipal district of Sorocaba. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1968 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];28(1-2):19-26. Available from:


Serological tests for leptospirosis were conducted among 342 workers of several occupations in the Municipal District of Sorocaba. It was found that four of the subjects presented serum-aglutinin for L. icterohaemorrhagiae with titres of 1:3,200; 1:200;        1:200 e 1:1600. This last case showed co-aglutination for L. sentot to 1:400. Two of the subjects were workers of the sewerage systhem and two of the water supply systhem. Clinical and epidemiological data on the four patients were provided in a table.
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Copyright (c) 1968 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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