Human leptospirosis by Leptospira javanica in Bôca do Acre, Amazonas, Brazil
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How to Cite

Azevedo Costa E, Oswaldo Álvares Corrêa M, Natale V, Sadatsune T. Human leptospirosis by Leptospira javanica in Bôca do Acre, Amazonas, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1969 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];29:13-8. Available from:


Human leptospirosis by Leptospira javanica in two patients from Bôca do Acre, Amazonas, Brazil, was detected by means of soroaglutination tests.
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Copyright (c) 1969 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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