Nine years of Leptospirosis at the Instituto, Biológico of São Paulo, Brazil
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Almeida Santa Rosa C, Fernando Pestana de Castro A, Sergio da Silva A, Myia Teruya J. Nine years of Leptospirosis at the Instituto, Biológico of São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1969 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];29:19-27. Available from:


The authors report in this paper the studies on Leptospirosis at the Biological Institute of São Paulo - Brazil, from January 1960 to December 1968. Positive sero-reactions for various serotypes of leptospyres were found in 23.6% of cattle sera (titer 1/200 or higher), 19.5% of swine sera (titers until 1/409,600) and 22.8% of equine sera. In horses was also observed a correlation of symptoms of ophtalmia with leptospiral agglutinins in five cases. In sheep, 39.8% were positive and in dog, 14%. A table shows the total of sera tested in nine years in all species. In tables are: the results of the tests in cattle; the results in swine, and the results of sero reactions in equine, sheep and dog sera. Along the sero reactions many isolations were done in that period. The results are expressed in a table.
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