Search and dosage of aflatoxin in peanuts and derivatives and other cereals
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Pregnolatto W, Sabino M. Search and dosage of aflatoxin in peanuts and derivatives and other cereals. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1969 Feb. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];29:65-71. Available from:



Chromatography techniques in paper and in thin layer chromatography are described for the searching and determination of aflatoxin in foods for human consumption, and in rations for animals. Using these techniques, 32 foods were analysed, of which 20 contained aflatoxin, and 130 rationa, where 104 were contaminated. Besides the peanut flour and other peanut products, the manioc flour showed highly contaminated with aflatoxin. Sodium bissulfite1:10.000 showed effectual to avoid the development of the Aspergillus flavus in the peanut flour.
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