Contribution to the study of the toxoplasmosis epidemiology. Serologic survey among the indians of the upper Xingu river, Central Brazil
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G. Baruzzi R. Contribution to the study of the toxoplasmosis epidemiology. Serologic survey among the indians of the upper Xingu river, Central Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1969 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];29:105-39. Available from:


The survey of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in 254 indians of the Upper Xingu River, Central Brazil, by means of the indirect immunofluorescence revealed 51,6 % of positive reactions of titres equal or superior to 1/16. The aboriginal population of the Upper Xingu River is estimated in 600 indians, distributed into 9 tribes, living in a state of relative isolation maintaining their primitive habits and customs. The results have been compared with those of 2 other surveys made in different geographical areas of Brazil (in the Territory of Amapá and in the city of São Paulo), where the authors have used a serologic technique superposable to the one used in our survey. The results of the Upper Xingu, in its whole, do not significantly differ - as one might suppose, considering the life conditions of the indian - from those observed in the Territory of Amapá and in the city of São Paulo, i.e, in populations of a more advanced degree of civilization.
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