The geographical expansion and the increase of visceral leishmaniasis cases in northwest region of the São Paulo state aroused the interest of conducting a study to identify the phlebotomine sandflies fauna, and to evaluate the rate of natural infection by Leishmania infantum in Fernandópolis, Santa Fé do Sul and Votuporanga. Entomological surveys were conducted using the CDC miniature light traps, installed in different types of peridomestic ecotopes, during the period from August 2013 to November 2014. The L. infantum DNA detection in phlebotomine sandflies was performed by means of conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Five hundred seven phlebotomine sandflies specimens were collected, being 116 females (22.9 %) and 391 males (77.1 %), which were represented by seven species, prevailing Lutzomyia longipalpis, with 461 specimens (90.9 %). Molecular analysis revealed DNA of L. infantum in one specimen of L. longipalpis from Fernandópolis. These findings confirm the occurrence of this species in all of the surveyed municipalities. And the existence of at least one specimen, naturally infected in Fernandópolis, highlights the need for performing the further control measures directed to the vectors in this municipality, for restraining their spread and to prevent the occurrence of human cases of visceral leishmaniasis.
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