Could the saponin hemolysate be used for the hemoglobin A2 dosage ?
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Hemoglobin A2

How to Cite

Oliveira RAG, Falcão FP, Oliveira M do SG, Oshiro M, Barretto OC de O. Could the saponin hemolysate be used for the hemoglobin A2 dosage ?. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2003 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];62(1):17-20. Available from:


It was made the evalution of the hemoglobin A2(Hb A2) determination using four hemolysate types. In the 1st. stage of the evalution thirty  eterminations were proceeded for fraction of Hb A2 starting from hemolysate with saponine and starting from carbon tetrachloride, in the 2nd stage more 40 determinations were analyzed using hemolysate obtained through saponine and with cloroform, however added with potassium cyanide (KCN). The statistical analysis done through test t in the 1st , it revealed a
tendency of the results obtained starting from saponine are larger about 0,42% that those obtained starting from carbon tetrachloride (p<0,001). However, when KCN is added in the hemolysate there is no significant difference among the classic hemolisado and with the saponine. Like this, the use of the classic hemolysate
or of the saponine with KCN are indicative for Hb A2 quantitative determination for the method of elution.
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