Eugenia uniflora L. “ brazilian cherry” leaves: pharmacobotanical, chemical and pharmacological properties
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Eugenia uniflora L.
pharmacologycal activity
botanical identification
essential oil

How to Cite

Auricchio MT, Bacchi EM. Eugenia uniflora L. “ brazilian cherry” leaves: pharmacobotanical, chemical and pharmacological properties. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2003 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];62(1):55-61. Available from:


This review intends to gather information available at the present time on Eugenia uniflora leaves, pharmacological, antibacterial properties and identification, by comparing histological features to
others Eugenia species, growning in southern South America allowing differentiation among them. Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity was the first study with E. uniflora leaves, in order to evaluate different factors affecting this activity. The exhibited inhibitory action of xantine oxidase, antiinflammatory activity, decrease of intestinal motility and blood pressure level, were demonstrated in animal models. Recent findings on the inhibition of α- glucosidase, maltase and sucrase are showing to be a new possible potencial use of leaves of Eugenia uniflora in diabetes.
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