In order to compare thc Fchling (titrimetric) and Sornogyi-Nelson (spcctrophotomctric) rnethods for determination of starch in sausages, five samples of commercially available sausages (hot dogs) were analyzed. Othcr scven especially preparcd samplcs containing manioc fccula as starch sourcc in conccntrations varying between O and 10% wcre also examíned. Sausages with a starch concentration of 3 to 10% yielded similar results with both methods. With the Fchling's method it was not possible to detect starch at concentrations below 1% while at concentrations of about 2% the rcsults were doubtful. On lhe other hand, the spectrophotomctric method revealed itself accurate and of simple perfonnancc, being espccially useful for determination 'of low concentrations of starch (less than 3%). Starch extraction from sausages based on the method of Glover and colaborators was evaluated by recovery tests carried out with five sausages with known starch contento Thc rcsults showed that in samples containing about 9% of starch lhe mean recovery eíficicncy was 85% while in other ones it was up to 90%.
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