The cytopathic effect caused by rabies virus is not easy to detect, although the McCoy cell line showed high sensitivity to this virus. The titre increased at each new passage and the ERA strain reached titre higher than 10 8.0 LD 50/ 0,03 ml after eight successive passages only. The kinetics of infection showed that 48 hours after inoculation, the cell reaches the peak of infecton and the celular proteins synthesis is inhibited. The data are reproducible suggesting that this cell line could be used for diagnostic purposes and for virus mass production.
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11. HOLLAND, J. J.; VILLARREAL, L. P.; WELCH, R. M.; OLDSTONE, M. B. A.; KOHNE, LAZZARlNI, R. & SCOLNIK, E. - Long-term Persistent Vesicular Stomatítes Vírus and Rabíes Virus Infection of Cell "in vitro". J. gen. Viro!. 33: 193-211,1976.
12. KAWAI, A.; MATSUMOTO, S. & TANABE, K. - Characterizatíon of Rabies Viruses Recovered from Persistently Infected BHK Cells. Virology 67: 520 - 533, 1975.
13. KAWAI, A. & MATSUMOTO, S. - Interfering and Non-interfering Defectivo Particles Generated by Rabies Small Plaque Variant Virus. Virology 76: 60 - 71, 1977.
14. KAWAI, A. & MATSUMOTO, S. - A Sensitive Bioassay for Defecting Defective Interfering Partic1es of Rabies Virus. Virology 122: 98 - 108, 1982.
15. KISSLING, R. E. - Growth of Rabies Virus in Non-Nervous Tissue Culture. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 98: 223 - 225,1958.
16. REED-MUENCH - Methods for Calculation offend Point. In KAPLAN, M. & KOPROWSKI, H. Ed. - Labotratory Techniques in Rabies, 3rd. ed., Geneve WHO, 1973, pp. 348 – 354 (Monograph Series).
17. NOGUEIRA, Y. L. - Cytopathic Effect on Tissue Culture caused by Rabies Virus. In: INTERNATIONALCONFERENCEONIMPACTOFVIRAL DISEASES ON DEVELOPMENT OF LATIN AMERICA COUNTRIES AND CARIBBEAN REGION, 1st. Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1982. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, pp. 113.
18. NOGUEIRA, Y. L. - Replication and Purification of Rabie Virus in McCoy Cell Line. ln: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF VIROLOGY, 7th. Edmonton, Canada, 1987. Abstracts. Edmonton, Cana da, 1987, pp. 324.
19. MONTAGNON, B. J.; FANGET, B. & VINCET FALQUET, J. C. - Industrial Seale Production of Inactived Poliovirus Vaccine Prepared by Culture of VERO Cells on Microcarrier. Rev. Infect. Dis. 6: S341 - S244, 1984.
20. VILLARREAL, L. P. & HOLLAND, J. J. – RNA Syntesis in BHK-21 Cells Pesistently Infected with Vesicular Stomatites Virus and Rabies Virus. J. gen. Virol. 33: 213 - 224, 1976.
21. WAAGNER, E. K. & RIZMAN, B. - Ribonucleic acid synthesis in cell infected with herps simplex virus, I. Pattern of RNA synthesis in productively infected cells. J. Virol. 4, 36-46.
22. WIKTOR, T. J.; FERNANDES, M. V. & KOPROWISKI, H. - Cultivation of Rabies Virus in Human Diploid Cell Strin WI-38. J. Immunol. 93: 353 - 366,1964.
23. WIKTOR, T. J. & CLARK, H. F. - Chronic Rabies Virus Infection of Cell Culture. Infect. Immun. 6: 988 - 995,1972.
24. YOUNGNER, J. S. & PREBLE, O. T. - Viral Persistence: Evolution of Viral Population. ln: FRAENKEL-CONRAT, H. & WAGNER, R. R. - Comprehencuve Virology. New York, Plenum Press, 1980. V. 18, pp. 73 - 125.
2. ATANASIU, P.; LEPINE, P. & DRAGONS, P.- Étude Cinetique du Virus Rabique en Culture de Tissus à l' Aide des Anticorps Fluorescents des Coupes Ultra-Fines. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T 105: 813-824, 1963.
3. ATANASIU, P.; TSIANG, H. & GAMET, A. - Nouveau Vaccine Antirabique Humain de Culture Cellulaire Primaire. Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Pasteur) 125 B : 419 - 432, 1974.
4. ATANASIU, P.; PERRIN, P.; SEGRE, L. & MANGANAS, O. - Étude Comparative de Vaeeins Rabiques Inaetivés Obtenus à I'Aide de Cellules Hétérologues Diploidcs et Polyploides CHAK,BHKet Vero). Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis, 58: 401 - 421, 1981.
5. DUNNEBACKE, T. H. & REAUME, M. B. - Correlation of the Yield of Polivirus with the Size of Isolated Tissue Cultures Cells. Virology 6: 8 - 13,1958.
6. FERNANDES, M. V. - Irradíation of cells in tissue culture VII - Studies on the Suscepibilíty to Bluetongc Virus on Radiation Induced Giant Cells in vitro. Z. Zellforsch. 50: 433 - 443, 1959.
7. FERNANDES, M. V. - Isolation and Propagation of Bluetongue Virus in Tissue Culture. Amer. J vet. Res. pp. 398 - 408, 1959.
8. FERNANDES, M. V.; WIKTOR, T. J. & KOPROWISKI, H. - Endosymbiotic Relationship Between Animal Viruses and Host Cells. J exp. Med, 120: 1099 - 1115, 1964.
9. FRlEDMAN, R. M. & RAMSEUR, J. M. - Mechanisms of Persistent Infections by Cytopathic Viruses in Tissue Culture. Arch. Virol. 60: 83 - 103, 1979.
10. HONDA, Y; KAWAI, A. & MATSUMOTO, S. - Persistent Infection of Rabies Vírus CHEP - Flury Strain) in Human Neuroblastoma Cells Capable of Producing Interferon. J gen Viro!. 66: 957 - 967,1985.
11. HOLLAND, J. J.; VILLARREAL, L. P.; WELCH, R. M.; OLDSTONE, M. B. A.; KOHNE, LAZZARlNI, R. & SCOLNIK, E. - Long-term Persistent Vesicular Stomatítes Vírus and Rabíes Virus Infection of Cell "in vitro". J. gen. Viro!. 33: 193-211,1976.
12. KAWAI, A.; MATSUMOTO, S. & TANABE, K. - Characterizatíon of Rabies Viruses Recovered from Persistently Infected BHK Cells. Virology 67: 520 - 533, 1975.
13. KAWAI, A. & MATSUMOTO, S. - Interfering and Non-interfering Defectivo Particles Generated by Rabies Small Plaque Variant Virus. Virology 76: 60 - 71, 1977.
14. KAWAI, A. & MATSUMOTO, S. - A Sensitive Bioassay for Defecting Defective Interfering Partic1es of Rabies Virus. Virology 122: 98 - 108, 1982.
15. KISSLING, R. E. - Growth of Rabies Virus in Non-Nervous Tissue Culture. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 98: 223 - 225,1958.
16. REED-MUENCH - Methods for Calculation offend Point. In KAPLAN, M. & KOPROWSKI, H. Ed. - Labotratory Techniques in Rabies, 3rd. ed., Geneve WHO, 1973, pp. 348 – 354 (Monograph Series).
17. NOGUEIRA, Y. L. - Cytopathic Effect on Tissue Culture caused by Rabies Virus. In: INTERNATIONALCONFERENCEONIMPACTOFVIRAL DISEASES ON DEVELOPMENT OF LATIN AMERICA COUNTRIES AND CARIBBEAN REGION, 1st. Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1982. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, pp. 113.
18. NOGUEIRA, Y. L. - Replication and Purification of Rabie Virus in McCoy Cell Line. ln: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF VIROLOGY, 7th. Edmonton, Canada, 1987. Abstracts. Edmonton, Cana da, 1987, pp. 324.
19. MONTAGNON, B. J.; FANGET, B. & VINCET FALQUET, J. C. - Industrial Seale Production of Inactived Poliovirus Vaccine Prepared by Culture of VERO Cells on Microcarrier. Rev. Infect. Dis. 6: S341 - S244, 1984.
20. VILLARREAL, L. P. & HOLLAND, J. J. – RNA Syntesis in BHK-21 Cells Pesistently Infected with Vesicular Stomatites Virus and Rabies Virus. J. gen. Virol. 33: 213 - 224, 1976.
21. WAAGNER, E. K. & RIZMAN, B. - Ribonucleic acid synthesis in cell infected with herps simplex virus, I. Pattern of RNA synthesis in productively infected cells. J. Virol. 4, 36-46.
22. WIKTOR, T. J.; FERNANDES, M. V. & KOPROWISKI, H. - Cultivation of Rabies Virus in Human Diploid Cell Strin WI-38. J. Immunol. 93: 353 - 366,1964.
23. WIKTOR, T. J. & CLARK, H. F. - Chronic Rabies Virus Infection of Cell Culture. Infect. Immun. 6: 988 - 995,1972.
24. YOUNGNER, J. S. & PREBLE, O. T. - Viral Persistence: Evolution of Viral Population. ln: FRAENKEL-CONRAT, H. & WAGNER, R. R. - Comprehencuve Virology. New York, Plenum Press, 1980. V. 18, pp. 73 - 125.
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