This study shows results about phages occurence (coliphages and shigellaphages) in 304 samples of drinking water, 9 of wastewater and 268 of not washed fresh green salads not related with viral human infections by enteric vírus and in 41 samples of water, 8 of not washed green salad and 41 samples of others food products (17 raw milk, 17 powedered products and 7 ready-to-eat products), collected in a municipality of São Paaulo during a infectious hepatitis outbreak. The percentage of phages positivity in the local where was occurring the outbreak was greater (20,63%) than the samples control (8,58% of green salad's samples and 7,57% of water's samples). Considering only well and spring water's samples (not clorinated) and green salads, it is observed that the posivity is 50% among the outbreak's samples and 8,58% among the control samples. All (100%) of the control group positivies samples showed colophges and 53,38% shigelIaphages. On the other hand, the samples related with the outbreak were 4615% positive for coliphages and 100% positives for shigellaphages. It is made some consideration about these results, discussing the role of fecal basteriophages as microbial indicator of fecal contamination and as indicator of others enteric virus' presence and its importance in the microbial evaluation of food products, including water.
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