Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin a and Zearalenone in Animal Feedstuffs in South Brazil. Part. II
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Ochratoxin A
Thin-layer chromatography

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Baldissera MA, Santurio JM, Canto SH, Pranke PH, Almeida CAA, Schimidt C. Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin a and Zearalenone in Animal Feedstuffs in South Brazil. Part. II. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1993 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];53(1-2):5-10. Available from:


The toxic metabolites of aflatoxins are produced by fungi strains Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, Ochratoxin A (OCT) produced by A. ochraceus and different species of penicillium and the Zearalenone (ZEA) by the Fusariun graminearum, The mycotoxins were tested in 519 samples. The samples used were mainly com, feedstuffs, rice, sorghum, wheat flour and colza, The samples were collected during the year of 1987-1991 one being from Argentina and all others from Brazil. The method used was the one described by SOARES & RODRIGUES-AMA YA for extraction and quantification of mycotoxins with the limits of detection being 4, 5, 60 ppb for Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin A and Zearalenona, respectively. In 68,59% of the samples no mycotoxins were detected. However 24,68% of the samples were positive for Aflatoxins, 1,73% for Ochratoxin A and 4,82% were contaminated by Zearalenona. The maximum level of Aflatoxin was 190Q ppb; 745 ppb for Ochratoxin A and 4982 ppb for Zearalenone. These results indicate the necessity of a constant surveillance of mycotoxins, mainly aflatoxins by the industry. The producers of chickens and swine should be aware that mycotoxins are bad for animal health and also for productivity.
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