With the purpose of estimate the quality of the cheeses commercialized in Ribeirão Preto, were analysed the laboratorial results from the period of 1989-1990, in this Institute. Were studied 61 cheeses analysis of the kinds: "Minas" Fresh, Mozzarella, Swiss Type and Cream cheese. From these, 6 were related to frauds, 10 were approved and 45 condemned, among these, 13 were type "Minas" Fresh for what only one (7,70%) was approved. From 9 samples of Mozzarela cheeses, only 2 (22,22%) were approved. From 25 samples of Swiss Type, only 1 (4,0% was approved and 24 (96,0%) were condemned. By other way, from 8 samples of Cream Cheeses, 6 (75,0%) were aproved or the majotity. Then, from the 55 samples studied, with exception of the frauds, only 10 (18,18%) were approved, so we concluded not to be satisfatory the quality of cheeses in this period of time.
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6. SÃO PAULO, Instituto Adolfo Lutz – Normas Analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz - vol. I: Métodos Físicos e Químicos para Análise de Alimentos. 3ª. ed. São Paulo, 1985 p. 231-234.
7. SÃO PAULO, Leis e Decretos - Código Sanitário de 1978 - Decreto estadual no. 12.342, D.O.U. de 27/09/78 p. 173/181.
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