Physical-chemical characteristics of water from mineral sources of São Paulo metropolitan region
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Mineral water
physico-chemical parameters of mineral water
mineral water analysis

How to Cite

Nishihara L, Alaburda J, Durante de Maio F. Physical-chemical characteristics of water from mineral sources of São Paulo metropolitan region. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1998 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];57(2):19-25. Available from:


Studies were conducted to evaluate the water quality from twelve mineral sources located in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The samples were collected trimestrially during one year and were submitted to physico-chemical measurements. Data are presented for aspect; color; odour; turbidity; pH; alkalinity; calcium; magnesium; total hardness; chloride; iron; ammonia and albuminoid nitrogen; nitrite; nitrate; consumed oxygen; potassium; sodium; sulphate; arsenium; barium; cadmium; lead; cyanide; copper; chromium; fluoride; manganese; zinc and total dissolved solids. The observed values for each one of these parameters were similar during the studied period. Most of the sources agree with the requerements of the Federal Brazilian Regulations, despite one of them exceeded the maximum contaminant levels for manganese and nitrate. The concentration ranges for some of the common metallic elements were 2,8 to 19 mglL for Na; 1,3 to 3,4 mglL for K; 0,6 to 14 mglL for Ca and 0,8 to 11 mglL for Mg. The other metallic elements were below the limit established by the Brazilian legislation, with the exception of manganese in one sample. The physico-chemical parameters as pH, color, turbidity, alkalinity and odour were within the established values by Brazilian legislation. The mineral water of the sources may be classified as oligo mineral.
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